How does google list my website?
Q:How does google list my website?
You need to put actual content on the page in text form. Google knows nothing about a site except what it can derive from the text that is contained on its pages.
Give the page the name "Your page-page description" for a start, as Google uses the page title tag to find keywords. Second problem is that the page heading (top-left hand corner) is an image, and there is very little text. Google ignores images (so it doesn't know what the page header is for your site because google doesn't OCR images to see if they contain readable text). Google also penalizes pages with very little text because the goal of Google is to help users find content. If there's not much content on the page, Google ranks the page as unimportant.
So, you must find a way to put more text on the page. Perhaps a few paragraphs that describe who, what they do, who its customers are, why customers should care, contact phone numbers and mailing address, etc. on the index page. It does not matter that users may already know this information or don't need to be "sold" -- the point is that you need relevant text to allow Google to index your site properly. This is extremely important to allow users to find the site via search engines. Make the page heading textual, if at all possible -- i.e., don't do text in some graphics package that renders it as an image. I realise that you need to put the logo on the page, but also put the title "Of your webpage- and some description about it" on the page in a H1 tag near the beginning of the page as Google sees headings as containing important keywords.
Check how: Google and Yahoo indexes pages for the same search: