Cute XML slideshow..

Now, This is what I call a penultimate slideshow based on xml/ActionScript component created in FlashMX2004 by Todd Dominey. What's uniqe is SlideShowPro supports RSS 2.0 and OPML for organizing feeds. As of now,It's not at all free and it's worth of $20 and payable only through PayPal.This slideshow rocks both in performance and usability.
I was looking for this kind of nice stuff for quite some time.
Sometime back, I was able to build a xml feeded Flash based slideshow for one of my corporate presentation(standalone). But always stuck up with a xml refreshing and image swapping durations were conflicting with :
function autoSlide() {
if (currentRecord == nodeCount)
{ // *is first slide, or any count of slideimage appears,
normally gets into loop mode mostly when it reaches the end of the slide.
got the workaround. But on slower FPS systems it made a lot of difference in clearing
set Interval.
This slideshow, beats Darshan's component in eliminating that disadvantage.
While on R&D of the same, I found pretty interesting slideshow created by Darshan Sawardekar a year ago. That was a master piece with elegant design. And made a lot of news in Flash community.
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