Why iRiver ?
[ H10 20GB Lounge Gray. Firmware 2.05E/Asian Version ]
Because, it's cute, hot, dashing, trendy, solid & sometimes buggy !
The player itself is good with latest Firmware 2.05. As of now, this is the gizmo which gives me company wheverever I go. Proprietary software 'iRiver plus' drives me crazy. Instead I rely on:'foobar2000 & EasyH10' for easy synchronization and creation of database inside the player (Ref :misticriver.net for software details).
It is to do with technology. iRiver have seen that the next step in the Mini MP3 race is to add a colour screen capable of showing images stored on the device. Apple Ipod Mini & Creative Zen Micro has to come up with colour screen and other fancies to catch up this stuff. Thouh I am a biggest fan of creative after their audigy and inspire range of speakers, due to their lack of market orientation their excellent gizmos are not available in India as of now. No regrets. Well, atlast creative has to do something to grab their market share in India, before Apple and iRiver share major part of meat !
Currently I've pumped all my music collection into this sweet stuff !