Color photos taken in 1909 !

When K.Asif started shooting for 'Mughal-e-Azham' in 1914 he had less hopes of processing it in color mode. More over cine-photography was merely constrained to Grayscale or Sepia mode then. Color photography was a thing of distant dream & digital imaging technique to colorise photographs was unavailable then. Contrast to the same, I found something very interesting here which disputes that perception. Read this very interesting stuff on color photography here:
"Color film was non-existent in 1909 Russia, yet in that year a photographer named Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii embarked on a photographic survey of his homeland and captured hundreds of photos in full, vivid color. His photographic plates were black and white, but he had developed an ingenious photographic technique which allowed him to use them to produce accurate color images."
This is quite possibly the most fascinating thing I've read in a LONG time. I've sent this link to lots of people. Amazing, that's all I can say…Read more.
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