Inter - view
Weekends are meant to relax, refresh & relish being out of workstations and hectic meeting schedules, progress-meetings and lot. But my weekends went for a toss when our lovely recruitment people requested rather gorilla pulled (like: guerrilla warfare) ;) me to be a part of hiring & recruitment process this weekend. It's kind of nice experience to see people in hot-seat where I was there many times. I felt like Mr.Bachan( though short of height) while framing candidate into trickiest technical questions. I admire his style of enouncing: lock kar diya jaaye ?. Was not able to implement his style as it was a serious process conducting serious interviews. So no space for humor or being unofficial !
Fun apart, the process was smooth & packed with a serious learning curve in it. I know many company's have a live interview panel which conducts interview everyday, every working hour whether there may be requirement or not. It may be to add right candidate to database in need of urgent hour. But ours was a ad-hoc basis of immediate requirement.
I think now it has become a 'nomenclature' for a s/w employee to conduct interviews at least once in the span of his tenure ! Days may come, where the prerequisite will be: 'Person should be able to conduct interviews !' Rather than a self-patting statment one thing which drives a human resource team to pull-in employee to this recruitment process is cost reduction & adaptive skillset scalability contrary to external hiring consultants.
It's not the first time that I'm conducting interviews for the company's I've worked for. For me it's not a mandatory job but a occasional experience which helps to leverage my understanding of people's behavioral pattern, body language, actions or expressions, nonverbal movements and social interactions, industry standards & best practices around, the adapting trends, pit-falls of this process.
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