Achtung baby !

My current telecom project is coming to an end with a steep learning curve of good exposure, expectations & experience of the German based clients. I've a kind of inclination towards learning & understanding the customary practices of nations we deal with for project or biz development reasons. I believe in most of the scenarios it's healthier to know the social behavior pattern & rules of engagement of overseas clients.
"Indian companies are rapidly moving into Europe for business and even acquisitions. Young and highly qualified Indian managers are relocating to live and work in Europe.
"Should you end up living in Europe, knowing the local customs, manners, dress codes, dealing with neighbors, driving laws, and so forth are critically essential. Here are some broad guidelines."
This is interesting :
"As an Indian working in Germany, you could feel limped your enthusiastic bubble bursting when your optimism about a project, plan, scheme is cut down to pieces by German bosses. Germans take pride in always looking at the dark side of life. This may indicate depth, critical thinking and a certain "intelligent" caution — things that have always been very precious to the precautions German heart and the logic-amorous German head."
Read this article in 'The Hindu' to fathom brief rules of engagement, living practices with your neighbours should you end up living in Germany. The author Mohan.murti is former Europe Director, CII, and lives in Cologne, Germany.