Earn out of Flickr.

When I meet my photographer friends, one topic is pretty common while we hang around. At least one among us wanna upgrade from point & shoot digital camera to DSLR. Someone wants to mount new macro or wide-angle or some other lens on existing gear. Point is same: more the addition, more the flexibility & power to photography thrust !
End of the day, hobby remains adept. But what do you earn out of these heavy priced gizmo's unless you use these gizmo's make some money out of it? At one point acquiring new gizmo's trend sooner or later turns out to be a tiresome spendthrift habit. one can argue, come on, when you intend to do anything for your own happiness- money is not a thing to count. Agreed. I believe, there should be certain source of income to feed the need to flex ones cam to mount lenses or to expand.
In midst of all these thoughts, I happen to see an interview with Kuwait based photographer Hamad Darwish, who was contacted by Microsoft viewing his photos in Flickr. It was interesting to note for me too, as we both share a common platform: Flickr.
Hamad Darwish might not be a household name, but if you use Windows Vista, then his work is on your computer. In fact, it might be even on your desktop right now! Assuming IDC’s predictions are accurate, then before the end of the year, up to 90 million people will have the chance to see Hamad’s work, and all he had to do was upload it to Flickr.
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