Card design

Wondering what's is this ?
It's a visiting card of a fitness trainer. Interesting, isn't it !?
( a small wafer of rubber printed with clumsy letters. Stretch to read the info on it. Truly intelligent flexing experience ! )
Business or visiting cards are not just printed piece of paper. They are finding innovative ways to appear on, they're visual identity of oneself. It speaks a lot about you & it's your first hand business impression. Like a neat website, visiting cards are like a promissory notes in personal interaction. A true goodwill reflected on small but effective piece of design.
The paper, material it's engraved on, its quality, typography, design, style, graphics, brief info, the cut, 'one-unique-catchy-thing, the pride it hums, the respect it surrounds -is simply amazing. Every time I receive somebody's business card I get into design swing -even I should create a unique & visually pleasing visiting card for myself. It just remained as a thought. Most of the time, employers give out a neatly designed cards for employees. It depends how satisfied you're with the company card & its design.
I've preserved so many nicely designed cards though the name on it is less important. But that shouldn't deter you from giving me one when we meet next time ;)
>> See the pool of business cards in flickr & in
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