Scalable Design

- Bruce Sterling, science fiction author and design professor, got it right when he said, “Design is never done.” Before you know it, there are new features to add, new markets to conquer, and new updates to your application’s content.
- “Screen frameworks, user interface structures, and components that enable your product design to gracefully accommodate new features, new markets, and dynamic content—that can shrink or grow—are the cornerstones of a scalable design.”
- “An effective screen framework for an application can provide a blueprint for deciding how to integrate new features.”
- “The structure you select to house the various components of an application is what determines how scalable your design actually is.”
- “Your applications will change over time. How much of an impact that has on your existing design depends, in part, on how well you’ve accounted for scalability.”
>> Further read on Scalable Design | By Luke Wroblewski
>> Link of the day: High Scalability
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