Trust your eyes

Look at it, gaze it...slowly glance it from corner to corner, what do you see?
You guess, almond's are waving slowly ? Wondering is it some kind soft animation ? It's not, because it's a static image ! It's termed as "Anomalous motion illusions", a illusion techique. Read this funny comment from one of the reddit reader about this illustration- "Now that would make good wallpaper. In a bar." ;)
By the way, how this illusion works? One of the reddit member-cypherx observes it like this:
- The motion of the image coincides with the motion of my eyes. If I fix my eyes on a single spot (which is very uncomfortable) the image is still
- The motion always occurs around but never exactly where I am focused.
- The leftmost diagonal column moves downward, the one to its right moves up. The left diagonal has black on top, white on bottom, whereas the right diagonal is reversed.
Link of the day from Flickr Photos:
Ooops how did he do that lense effect ? - Seb Przd's Photos
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