Bridge to design

Well, designer has created wonderful designs after hour long interaction with users, vendors, architects, stake holders & etc if any. Everyone has given their buy-in, product managers have worked on final opinions on tweaks to the design.
It seems there are some managers, (apparently from an ideal universe,) who believe, once a great design is hatched, a simple written document is all the development team needs to make it a reality. Unfortunately, for most teams, it takes much more work to communicate anything but the simplest of designs.As everyone believes, to successfully implement the design, a simple document accompanied with design or a mockup is more than enough to communicate the designer ideas to the developer . But that's where things regarded as shortfall in the design process. Unless the better dialog is setup to help the developer to understand the designs better, it's as good as a bad deliverable. As it might compound project risks, costs of implementation & delayed Quality Analysis etc.,
The design deliverables are a critical bridge between designers and developers. Both the documents and the process that produces and delivers them deserve careful attention.So what's the solution to bridge the gap between a better design & the developer ?
Jared M. Spool opinions, The most successful teams play close attention to the critical goals behind their design deliverables. The minute details covered design doc & development focussed deliverables win the game of successful applications any day.
>> Read more on 'Getting The Most From Design Deliverables'