Patience design

Looks nice & weird, but what's this ?
A sculpture made of pencils & sewed together using a sculptural beading technique called 'peyote' stitch !
These mesmerizing patience involved designs are created by famous artist Jennifer Maestre. Her medium of subject, objects chosen to work on these sculptures are truly amazing. Attention to detail is very much evident at the first glance. After looking at many of her art work, a question evoked in my mind about how she come into decision to work on particular design.
RM: How do you think up the subjects for your sculptures?>> Janniter talks with Reuben's blog about her perspective & thoughts on art & pencil designs.
JM: Sometimes I have a rough idea in my head for a form, sometimes things go awry, and I end up somewhere I never envisioned. Sometimes I make a 'pattern' for myself, and follow it to see what happens. Many times, one sculpture will inspire the next. Originally, I was inspired by the form and texture of the sea urchin, I still make them out of pencils.
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