Digsby, the all-in-one Hello!

You've multiple accounts in yahoo,facebook, gmail, AOL etc., and you would like to use all those accounts to communicate with your colleagues, friends, co-workers for one or the other reason: "to be in touch". If the solution is all about installing multiple chat engines, think about it.
The days of multiple messaging softwares was wiped off with the entry of Trillian and pidgin( formerly, gaim). And now the fad is all about -meebo like simple & browser based online chat client, which is accessible anywhere, anytime. It doesn't have hassles like IP settings at workplace and home. But there're few messaging softwares gaining popularity with innovative features, hassle free convergence & ease of interoperability.
Today, I happen to dash on new IM client which is buzzing netizen for quite some. The all-in-one chat, messaging, email and social-networking client - Digsby,. It's neat, functional and polished compared to free chat systems out there. The best of all is its facebook integration. Thought it's in beta stage; sofar fulfilled what pidgin is lacking with. I've started using it & yet to test its effectivity.
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