"eno feelingoo"

(Photo from floating villages in Tonle Sap, Siem Reap. Cambodia. October 2008)
The moment we got into a boat in Tonle Sap, it was dusky evening. Damn nice sunset was melting into the chocolaty colored waters of floating village. The motor boat was driving like a lost kite into splashing waters of the lake. Cool wind was waving our ear curves. Nikky and me sat stretching our hands in the forefront of the boat. Ah ! what a feeling it was, gulping wind into lungs ! It was the pinnacle conquered moment, slowly moving into the windy water making a way between the shrubs and floating houses made on boats.
And by then Nikhil exclaimed: "eno feelingoo, nakkan" We yelled it like country kids, care free like a lost wind again and again :). Its crude, but can't help ? The traverse across 3 nations was much more than what I could capture in words. The unforgettable voyage criss-crossing South east Asia for last 20 days are crude memories in my heart and soul which left a long lasting travel-addiction-scar inside me.
The stone temples of Angkor,muddy long roads of Cambodia, floating villages in Tonle Sap, high rise buildings of Singapore, high voltage discos of Pattaya, amazing beaches of south skin Thailand , the deadly daring ocean boat journey of Krabi islands, mesmerizing blue waters of Phi-Phi are longer to stay in my moods & forever. It was the longest vacation of my life in abroad, mixed with hip-hop, terrain hiking, plush photography flavor all through. My blog will have the rhythm of experiences of my short travel to South East Asia for few days henceforth.
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