Pixlr Editor - Online photo editing

{* offline image loaded into pixlr }
There seems to be a huge surge of on-line photo editing tools to compete with Adobe's Photoshop Express. Online Adobe Photoshop express editing is in infancy compared to robust feature set of offline version. With the recent update, Adobe has updated light room features to it.
I found an interesting online photo editing tool pixlr.com's Image editor.
The UI looks so crisp and nicely rendered. It's pretty quick too in all aspects. Interestingly it's done in flash and the whole scripting is done inside single flash file.
Surprisingly UI and presentaton looks more like Adobe native UI. Adobe's Photoshop Express's suppose to have the offline photoshop UI, which is not the case.But pixlr.com's Image editor has very similar layout as Photoshop CS4. That's the big plus in identifying itself with offline photoshop UI.
Interestingly 'Undo' feature works as Ctrl+Z in pixlr and also many other keyboard shortcuts works too. Loaded image can be edited and saved to offline unlike Express.
>> Checkout pixlr online image editor
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