Tao of War by Bruce Haley

War is an evil. so its tremors are.
There's no design to war when a bomb blasts. Death is the only measure of count. It's unbearable smell of gunpowder. Art has no place when patience is evopoated, eradicated. If you're a photographer- there's no perfect setting in war field. All you need is a high speed photography skill & rock solid heart to endure such painful scenes.
The recipient of the Robert Capa Gold Medal, one of the most prestigious photography awards - Bruce Haley has captured very touching war photos under the title -"Tao of War Photography".
They are so ruthless that one of the viewer opines -
Some of the pictures are very graphic. Is it important to show such images to the world or is it exploitation of anther's misery? Maybe both.
Enough of words, you should watch -Tao of War Photography.
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