Time to guess What it is?

Can you tell us what this strange contraption is for?
Rob has been collecting unusual tools and other objects for quite a while, and several years ago he started this project of posting them on the web as puzzles for visitors to figure out what they are. And he doesn't say till some one recognizes what it is.
Users can place guess in the comment section. To make it more interesting you got to think and write your guess. Time to give some time for your drop-dead brain some thinking & take it away from automatic living.
Time to guess What is it?
It's pretty obviously a scale, isn't it? I mean, it's marked grams. Last time I checked, that's a weight, so it measures weight. Pretty cool!
yeah, Tatiana, i thought it may be some kind of measurement equipment. May be we have to wait for Rob to let us know what it is ! :)
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