Is Agile UX is meaningless without an Agile attitude ?

Whether you want it or not, it's inevitable to avoid UX and Agile in today's Software development arena. In changing scenarios company's do adopt various software development methods and fashions.

Here's an interesting article about Agile mindset in UX :

The true power of Agile is in understanding the underlying thinking, the attitude toward software that fueled their creation. Agile is no more than an attitude, a mindset. In fact, one likely to find greater success when starting out with Agile by ignoring the well-known Agile activities and principles and to continue working the way one currently work, and focusing instead on only one change: attitude. That shift, in turn, will drive change from within current practice, rather than attempt to impose it from the outside.
>> Why Agile UX is meaningless without an Agile attitude
>> 12 Best Practices for UX in an Agile Environment