You are truly missing something..

Sometimes I wonder about the capabilities & extent of thinking out of the box brains. What we believe as end of something is not truly a end, but it's the new beginning.
When desktop approach was introduced way back in Windows 95, it almost inevitably got into everything we touch & feel in communication media We're so used to desktops & dashboard thinking in any screen based application like never before: PC desktops, mobile phones, pda's, ATM screens, tablets, touch panels etc. It's quite difficult to accept which comes in the form of sub menu based navigation system now a days. So market leaders moving towards touch screen accessing apps. iPhone-is the hot touch screen sensation.
Here's a creative masterpiece BumpTop, it's a fresh and engaging new way to interact with your computer desktop. It' been here for a while. Criticisms apart, it's truly awesome experience. A brain product of indi-genious guy Anand Agarwala & team.
With BumpTop, you can pile and toss documents like on a real desk. Break free from the rigid and mechanical style of standard point-and-click desktops. Interact by pushing, pulling and piling documents with elegant, self revealing gestures. BumpTop's stunning interface makes clever use of 3D presentation and smooth physics-based animations for an engaging, vivid user experience.You are truly missing something if you don't view this demo:
>> Link to BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype
These simpler yet effective desktop redefining instances are truly thinking outside the perspective of the world we live in. Very often I hear this phrase: 'thinking out of the box' in office board rooms, meetings, conference calls, brainstorm sessions etc. Was googling more about what exactly is 'Thinking Outside the Box'? & found this nicety link which talks more on Inside The Box v/s Outside the Box thinking.
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