Iterative 'Designing' for good experience

Was reading this interesting blog today. Pretty interesting read to catch up in the mid of the week.
Generally an application design starts with a low fidelity wireframe design & moves onto high fidelity version (or a more clear & navigable version). Designing wireframes with innumerable iterations & change updates for clients sometimes can't be a useful task. In design, for sure reasons client with high expectations & enthusiasm would love to see bit interactive & tangible result than a black & white criss-crossed lines running for weeks together. Low fidelity wireframes might impress the client as a evidence to start-off with the task but a neat iterative design process is much more beneficial & time saving task.Here's a great example of an iterative design & development process: that clearly discounts the time & effort put on wireframing task. author Andrew Berkowitz has a different approach to take on iterative 'Designing' for good experience. I agree that iterative designing is good but in the case of multiple pages his suggestion seems to be daunting.
> Link to his article as it blossoms from “ugly and unusable” to “just feels right”.
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