'Lass' Vegas

Last week I was holidaying in most coveted nightlife destination in the world - Las Vegas. It's all about fun, frolic & masti in a wonderful place which is also known as sin city !
After spending marathon hours in Las Vegas finally I came into this conclusion: Las Vegas is nothing, without - Lass, Lighting & Looting.
Lass ? Seems ridiculous ? you got to agree :) Lass, as you know means gals. I bet if you don't get tuned to the core if you're in Vegas. The ultra babe crossed you either in Casino, night club or on the pavements of lovely Vegas strip gives you sure shot thunderstorms - be prepared for it if you're in Vegas! I've traversed from Bangkok to Bombay, London to Frankfurt, Singapore to Sunnyvale, but there's nothing like Las Vegas when it comes to beautiful gals. It seems all beauties have gathered in Vegas for one or the other reason !
Next one is Lighting. A structure which dunno how to use lighting is gone for toss here. I was bowled over by the interior & exterior lightings of The Venetian, Wynn, Bellagio etc.,
If you come all the way to Las Vegas you have to come to The Venetian hotel. It's amazing, these people have gone to a great extent to reproduce many of the landmarks of Venice in a truly realistic way. Of all the hotels I visited in Las Vegas The Venetian was the one that impressed me the most. It can't be hold in words one got to experience it. This has one of the most breath taking casinos in Vegas, and on my top 3 list for casinos. Its a must see. The Venetian has also some of the best shopping I found in Las Vegas. The cafes, the ambiance, the sky, everything has an Italian feel.
The spectacular example is 'the day sky' inside the hotel. Believe it - the sky looks like you're hanging around in Venice at 3 in the evening though it's 11 in the night. You will see an always blue sky with a few white clouds which was modeled on the early evening sky in Venice except of course it never rains here ! Every 15 minutes or so the "sky" turns from daytime to nigh time just like that! The clouds also look like they are moving when you walk down the streets inside - great illusions ! They even have the water channels, with gondolas and the gondoliers singing "Oh sole mio". It's cool to see an artificial canal running inside hotel which takes people for a short float. I wanted to try it, but they said you got to book at least 14 days before ! Oh man, the canal looks like a real blue water flowing inside Venice city ! I was thinking- If I get married & have onsite opportunity in US; Las Vegas Venice's Gondola ride is A must and its very romantic I'm Sure.
Looting ? What looting ? yes I am talking about casino's of Vegas. Either you get looted by casino's or you'll loot casinos if you're vested with the luck ;) But by default, it's always casino's who come prepared to empty your pocket ;) You never know how smoothly loose your money. As I said lucky gamblers makes money here. amongst zillions of casinos of Vegas. I lost a little & made a bit too. Kind of break even gambling ;) ! Since I was on budget tour de Vegas- ensured I've enough bucks to catch a cab back to Airport ;)
Finally, I've heard a lot about him, been mesmerized with his composing, I dreamt of shooting like his photos & finally I happened to see his fantastic wall level blowups at his Venetian gallery:
>> Peter Lik-shots