Shoot until u feel great..

I recently got the following from a client...
Thus far, I would say that most of the images I've captured are boring and uninteresting. I want to learn to capture images that will stop people in their tracks. Images that will make people say "wow".
This got me thinking... How does one make really stunning photographs? What does it take? How can we aim for, and work toward achieving this lofty goal? So, here are five ideas to move you forward toward greatness:

  • Define Greatness
  • Define yourself and your work. Identify where you are now as and where you will be.
  • Make photographs to please yourself
  • Engage people you already dialogue through your work
  • Learn from Experts
>> And over to Zivkov for more
Flickr link of the day
>> My friend Vyas has shot amazing pictures with his new Nikon D80

Beauty & the website !

Ramp walker, model, artist, designer & wonderful human being in one cute package :).
wonderful human being because, her paintings don't lie. Wish I could work with !
Vist Larissa Meek's cool website

Experience Vision

When we talk with design teams, more often than not, they articulate that "users are our first priority." Yet, as projects progress, the priority often shifts to the appropriate technology solution and the needs of the business stakeholders. It's not that the design teams don't think the users are important. But somewhere along the way, the primary focus moves off of the users' needs.

It wasn’t that the team wanted to ignore the users. It’s just the demands of the business units they served and the constraints from IT made serving the users take a back seat. In the day-to-day hustle-and-bustle, the long-term perspective gets lost.

When the long-term perspective vanishes, it becomes difficult to feel like you’ve made any significant progress. Sure, you’ll have checked many items off the ever-growing to-do list, but have you really improved how the business serves its customers?

To solve this, many teams are turning to an old tool: creating an experience vision. Is your design team having trouble focusing on the users? Does your organization have an experience vision?

- It's an interesting thought by Jared M. Spool of UIE tips.

>> Mr. Spool speaks about experience vision here

Card design

Wondering what's is this ?

It's a visiting card of a fitness trainer. Interesting, isn't it !?
( a small wafer of rubber printed with clumsy letters. Stretch to read the info on it. Truly intelligent flexing experience ! )

Business or visiting cards are not just printed piece of paper. They are finding innovative ways to appear on, they're visual identity of oneself. It speaks a lot about you & it's your first hand business impression. Like a neat website, visiting cards are like a promissory notes in personal interaction. A true goodwill reflected on small but effective piece of design.

The paper, material it's engraved on, its quality, typography, design, style, graphics, brief info, the cut, 'one-unique-catchy-thing, the pride it hums, the respect it surrounds -is simply amazing. Every time I receive somebody's business card I get into design swing -even I should create a unique & visually pleasing visiting card for myself. It just remained as a thought. Most of the time, employers give out a neatly designed cards for employees. It depends how satisfied you're with the company card & its design.

I've preserved so many nicely designed cards though the name on it is less important. But that shouldn't deter you from giving me one when we meet next time ;)

>> See the pool of business cards in flickr & in