Know where so-called dragon is pissing

A country should utilize it's powers and wealth to mitigate poverty, ease out labor union strikes, beautify the god given nature, take care of poisonous facts of its milk production, dipping toys export due to toxic substances, and increase productivity as it's best known nation for -'made in' tag on bottom of any product. Not to hurt or invade the nation which has never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

"Sometime back an email was circulated where in God showed India as His finest creation except that it did not have good neighbors. It is aptly said that you can choose your friends but not your neighbors. In this post, I will briefly take you through an introductory note on how India’s influence in the neighboring nations of South East Asia is being slowly eroded by China. In the successive posts, I will take each of the nations in greater detail."

>> Know where so-called dragon is pissing